Webinar: The Global Implications of the Fall of Roe vs Wade 

The Helen Clark Foundation is pleased to announce another members only exclusive webinar.

The end of Roe v. Wade, a Supreme Court decision that protected abortion rights in the United States for almost exactly 50 years, means at least 52 percent of American women and other people with the capacity for pregnancy will face new restrictions on their ability to have abortions. Furthermore, the implications of this setback to human rights reach far beyond the borders of the United States.

Join our distinguished panel on 30 August, 7 PM (NZT), 9am CET; 8am UK, as they reflect on the global implications of the fall of Roe, featuring the Rt Hon Helen Clark in conversation with Mina Barling, Director for External Relations at International Planned Parenthood Federation, Stephen Omollo, CEO at Plan International and Dr. Maliha Khan, President & CEO, Women Deliver. The panel will be chaired by long serving research fellow at the Helen Clark Foundation, Dr Holly Walker.

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