An appeal for the work of Himalayan Trust in Nepal

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It's eleven months since my incredible visit to the Solukhumbu region of Nepal in my capacity as Patron of the Himalayan Trust founded by Sir Edmund Hillary. As we trekked in the mountains, we visited hospitals, clinics, and schools founded by Sir Edmund and funded by the Himalayan Trust to this day, and met the dedicated people who staff them and patients and children respectively.

As Covid-19 takes hold globally, the Trust has been keeping me informed about the impact of the pandemic on the region in which it works in Nepal. Check out its Facebook page for more information, but, in brief, Dr Kami Temba at Kunde Hospital reports: "We don’t seem to have community transmission of COVID-19 in Solukhumbu yet. It would be disastrous if we did, as we have very limited protective supplies like masks or hand sanitizer. Testing kits, PPE and ICU beds are also very limited, even in the government central hospital in Kathmandu."

On education, the Trust reports: "On 24 March 2020, the Nepalese Government announced a nationwide lock down which closed all schools, as well as non-essential businesses and the international border. The people of Nepal have been told to stay at home and maintain strict social distancing. The lockdown has been extended to at least 15 April 2020, and it could go on for much longer. With all schools closed, children are not currently receiving a formal education. Some schools in major cities like Kathmandu have started online courses, but most families in the Solukhumbu District don’t have home computers or internet access, so delivering education remotely is a major challenge.

Depending on how far COVID-19 spreads in Nepal, the government may well extend school closures for months. We are currently exploring ways we can enable education to continue in the Solukhumbu District in these difficult circumstances. Education, more than anything else, has the power to lift people out of poverty. It is vital that children can continue their learning, even when schools are closed, so that they can have a brighter future."

The Trust therefore needs funding right now for ensuring ongoing education to the children in communities it has long supported. It is also preparing for the likelihood that it will need to provide urgent healthcare and humanitarian support. That’s why your help now is more important than ever.

If you can, please donate online: Your support now will help Himalayan Trust respond quickly to cushion the blow of COVID-19 on the region Sir Ed loved and whose people have long had a very special relationship with New Zealand.

Many thanks also to those who completed the Himalayan Trust Summit Challenge to climb the height of Everest during the month of March! You can still donate until 30th April at

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